Two full days of activities for Coastival kids – Wold Top Brewery
Two full days of activities for Coastival kids

Two full days of activities for Coastival kids

Posted by Wold Top Brewery on

There's already plenty to see and do for adults at this year’s Coastival arts festival, sponsored by Wold Top, and it's been revealed that young attendees will get two full days of activities just for them too.

Organisers have put together a bumper programme - under the banner of Rollercoastival - over 13th and 14th February.

Everything from artwork to theatre to music to reading, felting and origami is included, with most of the activities free.

Unique events include inclusive and interactive storytelling in the Cloud Collector, for children aged 10 and under, in the Spa Regency Room 2 from 10 to 11am and 2 to 3pm on Saturday 13th.

The Library is the venue for children over seven who fancy a go at felting between 10am and 12noon and 1 to 3pm, again on the Saturday. The activity is free but booking is required.

To have a go at making origami sea creatures on the Saturday, pop down to the Sea Life Centre from 10am to 12noon or Stephen Joseph Theatre from 2pm to 4pm. Entry is free.

For children aged four and above, there’s story readings from Clap Trap Productions in the children’s library, from 11am to 12noon and 1pm to 2pm on the Saturday. Entry is free.

On Sunday 14th February, YMCA Productions is holding a Play in a Day event from 10am to 4pm at the YMCA for anyone aged four to 12 who wants to join in creating a show. Please pre-book for this event via the YMCA.

The YMCA is also the venue for Trash Percussion, a chance to make music using household rubbish, on the Sunday from 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4pm. Again, pre-book via the YMCA.

The Giving Tree at Crescent Arts runs from 10.30am to 1.30pm on Sunday 14th and offers the chance for anyone aged four to 11 to listen to stories and then write and illustrate their own in a beautiful book. Tickets are £10 per child and youngsters must be accompanied by a parent or carer.

Events taking place across both days include art drop-in sessions in the Spa Regency Rooms when children under 12 will get the chance to work with clay. These run from 10am to 12noon and 2 to 4pm on both days and are free.

Ocean Peace Totems will give five to 16-year-olds the opportunity to make a mixed media, Totem at the Library on Saturday and the Spa on Sunday running from 10 to 12noon and 1 to 3pm, free entry.

On both days watch out for storyteller Ian Douglas who will be entertaining in Scarborough town centre and the seafront from his pedal-powered caravan for children of all ages and their families.

Director Wendy Holroyd said: “We are delighted to have created two full days of activities for children over the Saturday and Sunday of Coastival – probably one of the best Rollercoastivals we have ever done!

“As usual it will be very ‘hands on’ so there’ll be plenty of opportunity for youngsters to create – whether that is art work, music or a piece of theatre." 

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